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Protochis are the dominant species of Doma-1. They are short, light, and sport a wide range of fur colors and thickness. Most individuals measure between 4-5' and weight between 30-50kg. In the species' infancy, their diverse range of coats helped them blend in among the frosty slopes and burning sands of Doma-1. During the Golden Age, survival is more or less guaranteed within Protochi society and brightly colored exotic coats have become more prolific.

Protochis are a collectivist species, valuing the betterment of the whole over the wealth and power of the few. These principles were cemented throughout the Material Uprising. While the Protochis' military victory over the Empire brought pride and relief throughout the galaxy, they had nearly lost everything. As many were left to pick up the pieces, an unbreakable bond formed between the Protochis.

Most individuals within Protochi society are agender and pansexual, as concepts like gender are seen as pointless and oppressive. A vast social safety net exists across Doma-1. Food, housing, and healthcare are easily accessible by all. Their cities are designed around pedestrian traffic and a robust transit system, with each city having a well defined center. Vast amounts of solar, geothermal, and nuclear energy are used to power these cities.

Drug use is incredibly common, including a marijuana like substance called "catnip" and various psychedelics. The dreams and visions produced by these substances are prized within protochi society. Friends and colleages may analyze each others dreams in search of inspiration or meaning.

Protochis customarily groom their closest friends and partners in a display of admiration.